STOP focusing on eating disorder recovery (do this instead!)

Sep 20, 2022
stop focusing on eating disorder recovery

The recovery process can often feel frustrating because you are constantly doubting whether or not you're doing it "right" or "wrong".

Should I slowly increase my intake or go “all in”? What if I get refeeding syndrome? Should I honor all my extreme hunger or just follow my nutritionist’s meal plan? What if I gain weight too fast? These are all questions brought up by the doubts one has around how to “best” approach recovery.

Where attention goes, energy flows. When we stay hyper-focused on “recovery”, we will forever stay stuck in recovery, blocking us from achieving the full potential that comes with being recovered. In contrast, when we focus on how we want to live and take actions that align with that desire, recovery is a natural byproduct!

Here's what a client had to say after completing my 12-week coaching program:

So many “recovery” programs had failed me before, but Livia’s ability to change the focus to building the life I want to live instead of focusing on the eating disorder allowed me to be excited to wake-up and choose actions free from disorder.
— Paige, former client

An eating disorder doesn’t fit into a life in which you are living to the fullest - meaning, if you act as someone who is living to the fullest RIGHT NOW, your eating disorder WILL fade away!

In 1:1 coaching with clients, we always start off by getting crystal clear on the life that is wanted - your dream life, if you will! Only when you know where you WANT to go, can you start taking actions to get there. Just think about it - if your only focus is getting rid of the eating disorder - so your main focus is running away from it - how do you know in which direction to go? As long as you don’t have a clear outcome, you’ll be running around like a chicken with its head cut off!

After becoming clear on how you want to live and where you want to go, coaching entails breaking the process down into clear, actionable steps. 

Nothing is more discouraging than feeling overwhelmed.

From my own journey, I know that the more pressure I felt to complete something, the less likely I was to do it (I feel this especially goes for neurodivergent individuals, hello analysis paralysis!).

There were often so many steps that I didn’t know where to start, and therefore didn’t start at all. It wasn’t until I broke the process down in a way that was feasible for me (because everyone is different!), that I could take steps in the direction that led me to where I am today.

If you're ready to live your dream life and have someone who's done the work be your guide, you can schedule a FREE 20 minute strategy session with me to learn more about 1:1 coaching!

Want to learn how to navigate ED recovery as an autistic person?

Listen to my FREE TRAINING teaching you how to use your autistic traits to your advantage in ED recovery 💪