Is anxiety a sign of hunger?

autism recovery
Is anxiety a sign of hunger?

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's not uncommon to experience moments of anxiety. But have you ever wondered if your anxious feelings could be linked to something as basic as hunger? Surprisingly, there might be a deeper connection between anxiety and your body's trust in nourishment.

Anxiety equates to a lack of trust. When we're hungry, especially if we've had a history of food restriction, our bodies start to question when the next meal will come and whether it will be enough. The uncertainty surrounding our basic need for sustenance triggers a sense of distrust that can manifest as anxiety.

The attempt to regain control over this uncertainty by limiting food intake can exacerbate the problem. It creates a cycle where anxiety leads to a desire for control, yet attempting to control the uncontrollable – the evolving shifts in our body’s energy needs – ultimately leaves us feeling less safe.

Responding to anxiety through eating is often stigmatized as "emotional eating," thanks to the pervasive influence of diet culture. However, it’s essential to recognize that for many autistic people who lack interoceptive awareness (the ability to recognize and respond to inner cues) responding to increased anxiety by eating could actually be a solution to safety.

Of course, it’s worth nothing that feeling anxious isn’t ALWAYS a sign of hunger. However, it’s also worth exploring how your unique body may be communicating its needs to you. What do you have to lose by going on this journey of discovery?

If you want to learn how to recognize the ways in which your body communicates with you and gain a more harmonious relationship with food and emotions, schedule a consultation call for 1-1 coaching here!

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